Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Picture dump

Monday, November 14, 2011

"What's your natural hair color?"

Why, purple, of course.
Just kidding.

Here's my hair from Senior Year of high school.  Note! This was pre-Beiber times, so my hair was cool, not lame. And yeah. Them's my Party City disco ball $2 earrings. Still have em haha. Also wearing $1 fake lashes. I wore this stuff to school. I was a silly 16 year old.:

Sunday, November 13, 2011


Duuude if you haven't tried out curlformers, you should :3 You just have to keep them in for a few hours/sleep  with them in. And you wake up to big old curls that last a day or two! They're fun :3

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Picked out my first Chictopia Reward :D

Haha I went down from 3295 to 1295 chic points today :3 I was on the fence about this.
I had been keeping my eye on it for a while but didn't feel like fighting/refreshing for it like I did trying to get the gold sparkly shoes. Happened to come back to the reward page and it wasn't claimed yet! 
I think I'm going to get some T-shirt printer transfer paper and put a design on the front. I'd been meaning to get the paper for a while but I didn't want to just put transfers on blank white Ts and am too cheap to want to buy multiple blank Ts that are still interesting looking. So yay!

Might do something like the galaxy Youreyeslie Ts that are like $60. Been wanting one for a while but can't justify the price for something it turns out I can make for a lot cheaper.

Sunday, November 6, 2011


Hurrr I put lots of Coolio braids in my hair last night.

Butyeah on to my wishlist. My favorites folder on Chrome is getting bogged down by window shopping. So I figured I'd post some here and clear the favorites out. I keep hoping I'll win one of those $80 Romwe gift certificates everyone seems to be giving out D8

Etc. I could go on but those were some main things haha

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Nanowrimo info

So not sure how many of you have heard of National Novel Writing Month ( where you get 30 days to write a 50,000+ word novel, but I'm entering again. :3 I completed 3 nanowrimo novels so far... in high school, the Novembers of 2006, 2007, and 2008. It'll be interesting to write again after a few years off. I want to write one more novel while I'm still a teenager! XD Teenage bucket list? I turn 20 on December 29th.

So this is the first Science Fiction type story I'm doing. The other three were kind of romantic/comedy stuff, the first two being high-school set. Also the first time I plan on telling the story from multiple viewpoints.

It's hard to give an accurate synopsis since I didn't plan much but the premise I'm starting with basically there's a company that developed low level android/shells that people can transfer their consciousness into. They never developed the software properly and the shells are only temporary ways to extend life. Each time you transfer to a new body/shell some of you gets left behind and circuits kind of fill in the gaps till eventually you're just low level software for the machine. Not all minds are strong enough to survive the initial transfer so there are IQ tests to apply for a shell. The company also semi-secretly manufactures a semi-illegal drug that has similar effects to transferring too much/makes people dumber/number so they don't think too much. People start to reject the idea of becoming stuck in a machine and live it up crazily. Others get afraid they'll die before being able to transfer and do it too early, having a lot of regret at the missed sensations later in 'life'. Etc. It's kind of hard to summarize, but the whole general theme is an emptiness/numbness. Tentative title being "Empty Tomorrow"

Stylistically I'd like it to be set in the future but the culture kind of stagnated around the 90s. (People still have beepers but they can send texts, no internet is widely available, shoulderpads galore!)

Anyway some rough doodles from the sides of my novel notes:

Ever entered nanowrimo? :D It's never too late to start! I'm a bit behind the 1666 words a day goal and have 2220 but haven't written today yet. I do most of my writing at the end of the month and during Thanksgiving break, typically. One year I barely had 10,000 words by week four and wrote the last 40k at the pace of just under 10k a day! Crazy stuff. Maybe it's because I need the rest of the month to really get a feeling in my mind of how I want the book to be. I keep writing snippets of things that I keep in a notepad file and on paper for later in the book that I can't use yet! If I counted all that, I'd probably be at about 4 to 5k at the moment. I find it easiest for smaller novels like these to work out the ending of it first so I know whatever I write just has to get the characters to that point.

Have you ever written a novel? :3

Friday, November 4, 2011


Debating whether or not to grow my bangs out. I really like the side-swept styles of Lua P. etc  but I feel like the blunt bangs suit my face more?

Took a pic today kind of hiding my bangs. If only there was a way to go back and forth!

Also, here's Molly :D Aren't her eyes gorgeous?

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Rejected 99designs

So there's this site called 99designs where people basically put up a description of what they want commissioned and then people can submit design ideas. The majority of them are logos and boring things but I figured I'd take a run at some of the 'other' and 't-shirt' categories.

I lost both times. To a tracing and a ripoff/unlicensed idea. :/ Each one could have been $100 for me but oh well. I figure people are using the site in the first place because they don't know how to design so yeah. Here are the two losing things.

The first person just wanted a maid-fetish drawing for a bookcover. So I doodled this one from scratch in photoshop:

The other one just said to make "a t-shirt design celebrating 420 and pot culture". So I figured can't go wrong with a chick in a bikini right? Wrong. Lost to a Pac Man eating a pot leaf with the word "Pot Man" underneath. Pac Man isn't even in the public domain................. But yeah here's a few versions:

It seemed like a great idea and quick way to make some money but after losing twice I'm kind of turned off from the format of the site. So many people vying for a hundred or so dollars. Meh. Maybe I'll do some private commissions again if I want some cash.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Rejected photos

Man I'm really bad at choosing photos. The camera I use is a Canon Powershot SD600.... 6 megapixels.... without a tripod or remote clicker. So I kind of am limited in where I can take pictures. (ie I need something of a reasonable height to stand my camera on and self time it) The pictures that show off my outfits best are often the ones where I make derpy faces or am standing in a really unflattering way. Here's some of the rejects:

Chictopia link: [Hello Seattle]

Chictopia link: [Maple Gunman]

Chictopia link: [Terminator]
I'm actually Jem.

0 - 0

Chictopia link: [Pumped Up Kicks]
 You lookin at me, punk?
 Makin a face:

Chictopia link: [Firecracker]
The wind kept making my earrings take flight or push my hair into my eyes...

Hurrr I should upgrade my equipment. Oh well. Molly is kneading my calf so I cant get up.....